" The main objective is to manage by exception. The overall strategy is to have completely hands-off operations, but to be alerted when there is an exception to the process which needs to be handled. "

Reduce Data Center Headcount While Improving Quality of Service!

The Master Console Center (MCC) is a powerful, cost-cutting tool for your IT enterprise – proven in data centers worldwide. It consolidates consoles from hundreds of servers - mainframes, AS/400, various Unix, WinNT, WinXP, etc. into a single display. MCC connects via native twinax, coax, serial, and/or ethernet to hundreds of systems simultaneously. The MCC analyzes messages from every console and displays critical alerts. It enhances any software monitoring tools you use.

" We get hard dollar savings - more than our investment in a MCC - every three months! "
  • Reduce headcount and equipment needs since the MCC consolidates all the consoles into a "single pane of glass." With the MCC you can manage your entire enterprise from any location.

  • Cut costs by having anyone, anywhere, have console access to any system to make changes, boot, or IPL. Any number of operators can share the same console and can see each other's entries. Long distance training and support becomes a snap. Your disaster recovery team never has to travel.

  • Comply with audit requirements by recording every character typed in and out (whether or not displayed) along with the operator name, date, and time.

  • Save time with your operators one mouse click away from a system console. Click on a system icon or an alert and you are instantly there. Always connected technology makes this possible.

  • Eliminate per system license fees and upgrade maintenance costs since you don't have to install software or hardware on a system to monitor it. Just hot plug into a console port using RS232, coax, or twinax or the network and you're done. Patented outboard technology makes this possible.

" The first tool I have seen that supports all computing platforms and provides console consolidation for many types of terminals! "

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