Case Studies

BNSF simplifies a major IT systems merger with console consolidation and remote operations using the Master Console Center from World Solutions.

System Management Specialists (SMS)
"The basis of GEMS is really pretty simple. We're alert-driven, so that a system raises its hand either when something goes wrong, is about to go wrong, or it feels like it is getting sick." The benefit of this exception management approach is that SMS can react quickly to keep systems up-and-running, without the need to maintain a large staff sitting around watching consoles.

Deluxe Corporation
They were determined to minimize system outages and reduce operating costs. “If anyone can drive costs out of business, I believe that the IT organization is the place to do it,” says Schultz. “You have to do the right things, and you have to have the right data available at marketers and consumers fingertips. "But if we can do those things," adds Todd Pleau, Technical Analyst for Enterprise Automation, "we can be competitive with anybody.”

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